Staying Healthy and Active During the Holiday Season

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | November 4, 2019

The holiday season might present a few obstacles to your health and wellness plan, things like relatives coming to visit, large meals to prep and cook, dinner parties to host, and maybe even a work function or two to attend.

However, it’s during these times especially that it’s important to have a plan in place to keep your wellness program going strong. Below, Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over a few ways to stay healthy and well during the holiday season.

Switch Up Your Fitness Routine

The holiday season might mean extra crowds in the gym, either just before holiday festivities or just after. Maybe switch to a more outdoor routine during the holidays to avoid crowds and maximize your time.

Prep Healthy Food

Meal plan for yourself (and your family, if applicable), and make sure to prepare healthy dishes for your holidays, that way you and the people you’re close to have plenty of healthy snacking options available.

Visit Your Local Chiropractor

Visiting your chiropractor will bring benefits like enhanced sleep, improved mood, and increased energy, so you’ll be able to spend more time preparing for the holidays and spending those special holidays that only come once a year with the ones you love. Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your holiday chiropractic consultation.

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How to Build Your Neck and Back

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | October 29, 2019

Building your neck and back muscles is a great way to strengthen and fortify your spine, so long as you do it the correct way. When we’re engaging these important muscle groups, it’s important to be mindful of the fact that they are prone to injury, especially if we’re lifting excessively heavy weight. Below, Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over some measures you can take to properly build your back.

Go Light on the Weight

Lighten up on the weight when you perform lifts that work your back and neck muscles.

Engage Your Core

Engaging your core is an important part of getting a 360-degree workout. Think of your core as your midsection — your back, your abs, your obliques, and more.

Invest in Kettlebells

Kettlebells are great for doing at-home core workouts. Invest in varying weights to get more complete workouts.

Don’t Forget Your Neck

There are apparatuses that help you properly work your neck which are worth researching. Not all products are as made as high quality as others.

Chiropractic treatments are a great companion to an active lifestyle routine. Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation in order to learn more.

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How Often Should I See the Chiropractor?

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | October 25, 2019

Determining how often you should see the chiropractor is an important decision in your treatment and wellness protocol. If you’re experiencing pain and discomfort at a high level, depending on if it’s focused on one area of your body or occurring in multiple areas of the body, you might need to see your local chiropractor in Homewood, IL more frequently than a more minor situation.

Below, Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over how often patients should see a chiropractic care specialist in order to achieve the best possible results.

Executing a More Rigorous Chiropractic Treatment Protocol

Those who experience intense pain and discomfort should see the chiropractor frequently, initially. Some patients experience maximum benefits coming to the chiropractor 3 times per week initially, then perhaps 2 times per week in month 2 of their treatment protocol, then once per week in the 3rd treatment month. Chiropractic treatments, after the initial protocol has been completed, can eventually be used on a maintenance basis or whenever you’re feeling like you particularly could use one.

More Casual Chiropractic

If you’re not injured or experiencing discomfort, visiting the chiropractic care specialist in your area once a month or so is a great idea for injury prevention, increased range of motion, boosted brain functionality, and more.

Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to learn more about how treatments and how they benefit our patients.

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When to Schedule a Chiropractic Adjustment

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | October 21, 2019

There are certain times when the body simply calls for chiropractic treatment. At Barton Chiropractic Clinic, we provide chiropractic treatments and adjustments that help the neck, back, legs, joints, sinuses, gastrointestinal system, immune system, and more.

Below are a few occasions when chiropractic adjustments come through in the clutch, improving symptoms associated with various health conditions, not to mention relieve general wear and tear you’re experiencing from everyday use.

You’ve Been Getting Sick More Often

If your immune system seems to be underwhelming you, it’s a good idea to schedule a chiropractic adjustment, which can help clear the sinuses and help the immune system function in an optimum capacity.

You’re Training Extra Hard

If you’re training for an event like a marathon or a belt test for your martial arts class, it’s a great idea to make chiropractic adjustments a part of your active recovery plan to make sure the body recuperates from training.

You’re Not Getting Enough Rest

Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to help with insomnia and help patients achieve a more restful night of sleep.

If you have any questions about what to expect from chiropractic treatment, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation.

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Why Young Athletes Should Consider Chiropractic Treatment

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | October 16, 2019

Chiropractic treatment is not just designed for those who experience a back or neck injury. Just the same, chiropractic adjustments aim to reduce risks of future injury, not to mention optimize the body and mind for peak athletic performance.

Many professional athletes already utilize chiropractic care to their advantage and young athletes should seriously consider doing the same. Below, Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over a few reasons why young athletes can benefit from chiropractic treatment.

Drug-Free Pain Relief

In the face of today’s opioid epidemic, it’s best for young people to pursue drug-free pain relief for injury and growing pains, not to mention aches that occur due to training. 

Boosts Cognitive Function

It’s important to be sharp during practice and on the field of play, and chiropractic can help ensure that your brain and body are communicating in the best way possible. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to boost memory and mental focus.

Active Recovery

Chiropractic treatments are considered active recovery and can be pursued on an off day for maximum effect. 

If you have any questions about how chiropractic adjustments can benefit you, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today.

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3 Bad Habits to Stop Doing Today

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | October 7, 2019

When it comes to our habits, some may be more healthy than others. However, some habits can be downright counterproductive to living a healthy and happy life. Below, Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over a few bad habits that may be sabotaging your progress in life.

1.) Stop Making Excuses

When it comes down to it, you’re always going to have an excuse to do something you don’t want to do — like, say, going to the gym, going for that run, waking up a half-hour earlier to meditate. But, the truth is, there are too many reasons to mention here why you should be doing these things as much as you can. Stop telling yourself why you can’t and just start doing the things you know you need to do to stay well.

2.) Stop Eating for Instant Gratification

Instead of eating for mouth pleasure, consume food to fuel your body and brain throughout the day. If you’re craving fast food, it might just be because you’re not craving the idea of spending the energy to make a healthy meal at home. Again, stop making excuses and start eating healthy to gain some serious health and productivity benefits.

3.) Treat Your Body Well

Think of your body as a vehicle. You want to keep all the parts and components in good working order to ensure the entire vessel runs and works properly, not to mention lasts you for the long haul. Try things like yoga, exercise, and chiropractic treatment to unlock positive results.

Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation in order to learn more about chiropractic treatment and how it can fit into your new positive and healthy lifestyle.

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3 Must-Dos for Your Neck and Your Back

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | October 2, 2019

Your spine is an intricate entity that makes up your back and your neck, and the activities we engage in on a daily basis are constantly putting stress on your spine — which means, in effect, your neck and your back.

Below are a few measures you can take that will help ensure your neck and back both work at optimum capacity, which will play a huge role in your overall wellness.

Strengthen Your Neck and Back

Your neck might be one of the last things you think about working out, but it’s important to strengthen your neck — it supports your head after all. Strengthening your back is just as important, ensuring your spine has proper support.

Stretch Like a Boss

Make sure that for every workout session you endure that you have a rigorous stretch routine planned for after. Mix it up by taking a yoga class, or at the very least incorporate yoga poses into your stretch routine.

Visit Your Local Chiropractor

Visiting your chiropractor is essential in ensuring your neck and back are properly aligned. When your spine becomes misaligned, your brain doesn’t work as well, and your GI system, immune system, and respiratory system can become compromised. Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation and learn how chiropractic treatment can be the perfect companion to your wellness routine.

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More on Ergonomics

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | September 25, 2019

Sometimes products and systems we have no choice but to use on a daily basis may not be designed with our health and wellness in mind. That’s basically what ergonomics tends to attempt to address.

Ergonomics has to do with a scientific discipline that is concerned with understanding interactions which occur between people and these additional elements that make up a system. Ergonomics might also be considered a profession which applies principles, methods, theories, and data, taking all of these elements into consideration, then designing products and systems that optimize your well-being — not to mention overall system performance as a whole.

Ergonomics Can Help You At Work

There are all sorts of work-related stress and injuries that can occur, which ergonomics attempt to address, ultimately helping reduce your chances of falling victim to tissue or skeletal damage, not to mention overuse and repetitive motion.

Ergonomics and Your Chiropractor

Your local chiropractor should be able to recommend products and practices that will optimize your health and lower your risk of injury. Your chiropractor can also provide treatments that help optimize your body, not to mention offer drug-free pain relief for everyday wear and tear.

How to Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Stress or Injury

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned below, it’s time to consult with your local chiropractic care specialist.

  • Persistent Pain (Especially if Severe and Getting Worse)
  • Radiating Pain
  • Numbness or Tingling of Extremities
  • Improper Sleep

Contact Barton Chiropractic today to learn more about how our treatments can benefit you on a daily basis. We have a long history of keeping our patients healthy and happy.

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Chiropractic for Muscle Knots

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | September 16, 2019

If you’re human, chances are you’ve felt tenderness, soreness, and tightness in a concentrated area of your body — which to the layman is called a “Muscle Knot.” Muscle knots can cause an immense amount of discomfort and disrupt your daily routine.

Below is more information about how chiropractic treatments can help relieve muscle knots and get you back to work and back in the game quicker.

Causes of Muscle Knots

Muscle knots can come about due to stress, poor ergonomics, joint problems, sleep disorders, bad eating habits, dehydration, fatigue, improper lifting technique, bad posture, and more.

Chiropractic vs Muscle Knots

Chiropractic adjustments and treatments are designed to go to work on the back, neck, joints, muscles, and even the interior systems of the body, helping you feel more functional and comfortable along the way, whether you’re healthy and well or working through an injury.

Chiropractor in Homewood, IL

Barton Chiropractic Clinic offers treatments which provide drug-free solutions to problems like muscle knots, back pain, joint disorders, and even more exotic problems like insomnia and GI issues. Contact us today to schedule your consultation to learn more about how our treatments can enhance your life and improve your wellness.

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3 Reasons for Skeptics to Consider Chiropractic Treatments

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | September 6, 2019

In this day and age, there seems to be a healthy (and sometimes not so healthy) suspicion when it comes to just about anything. There’s even still discourse going on about whether or not the world is round. So, just the same, there’s obviously going to be some discourse as to whether or not chiropractic treatments are a viable option to help people get (and stay) healthy and well.

Below are a few reasons to give chiropractic treatments a shot that even the most doubtful critic can appreciate.

1.) It’s Low Risk

Cost of chiropractic treatments can generally fit any budget, your visit will be around an hour, and you don’t have to undergo any sort of anesthesia. Chiropractic treatments, as a result, represent an extremely low-risk treatment avenue for patients of all ages!

2.) Chiropractic Aims to Get to the Root of the Problem

Whether it’s pain in your upper back, low back pain, neck pain, leg pain, headaches, sinus problems, not to mention other symptoms you’re experiencing, chiropractic aims to recalibrate the body to help you perform at optimum capacity. All a chiropractor wants is to provide you with drug-free solutions that work.

3.) All You Have to Lose is Pain

Chiropractic treatments are designed to have you feeling better and functioning more effectively, plain and simple. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to reduce overall pain without drug intervention, not to mention treat back, neck, and joint pain, as well as provide relief for conditions like insomnia and depression.

Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today if you’re interested in scheduling a consultation. 

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