You should always put a lot of stock in what your family doctor or pediatrician says, but, when it comes down to it, there are some problems your doctor simply cannot explain, and bedwetting is often one of them. Bedwetting in children is most common in ages 4 and under, but children older than 4 can certainly experience bedwetting.
Bedwetting can come about because of developing bladder dysfunction, not to mention stress, anxiety, or big changes in a child’s life.
Chiropractic care is actually a treatment that has been shown to be beneficial in helping children who are having trouble and wetting the bed.
Many times bedwetting comes down to a child’s nerves. Your nerves have the ability to affect every single cell in your body, influencing your body’s organs — for instance, the bladder.
Chiropractors have the ability to reset and restore the normal motions and position of the spine, which helps your nerves function more properly. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to help take stress away from your nerves, which will help your body’s internal organs function more properly.
Many children have shown improvement and even elimination of bedwetting symptoms completely after exploring chiropractic treatment.
If you have any questions about how chiropractic adjustments can help your child’s bedwetting problem before it becomes a real issue, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to learn more.
Read MoreAt Barton Chiropractic Clinic we see patients who experience back pain and injuries, as well as pain and injuries that occur in other areas of the body, like the arms and legs. Below we go over some of the common daily contributors to knee pain in particular.
Your Active Lifestyle
If you’re a runner, you’re putting a tremendous amount of pressure on your joints — your knees and ankles in particular. Engaging in sports is also a sure-fire way to put extra wear and tear on your body. That’s why your rehabilitation and recovery plan should be just as intensive. Chiropractic care is a perfect antidote to the pressure you put on your body on a daily basis.
Your Lack of Active Recovery
On your off days, if you’re like most people, maybe you give yourself a pass to sit around and watch Netflix. Try to resist that urge and get outside, maybe go on a hike or engage in some outdoor yoga. Your joints will thank you for taking it easy, but you’ll still be doing something good for your body.
Improper Sitting and Lifting
Many times when we sit, stand, or lift heavy objects we put the wrong amount of pressure on our knees and do damage by putting them in distorted positions. It’s best to practice good posture and always practice good lifting technique for countermeasure.
Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation. We have a long track record of providing pain relief and rehabilitation results for patients experiencing a wide variety of pain and injuries.
Read MoreAt Barton Chiropractic we often stress the ways that your spine and back health is related to your overall health and wellness. Your spine is directly linked to your mind and your body, and when things go wrong and situations like subluxation occur, all sorts of health conditions can occur, like neck and back pain, insomnia, ear infection, reduced mobility, and more.
Below are a few ways you can improve the strength and functionality of your back.
Build Your Back Muscles
Start incorporating back exercises into your strength training routine and engage in activities that incorporate your core. It will help you build a great foundation for your back.
Stretch it Out
Yoga is a great way to ease your body’s muscle tension and improve your body’s flexibility and overall range of motion. Yoga will also help you reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and even help you avoid injury.
Visit the Chiropractor
Visiting the chiropractor is your best bet when it comes to taking care of your back, neck, and spine. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation. Barton Chiropractic Clinic has a long track record of keeping our patients healthy and well.
Read MoreHaving good posture is one of the keys to achieving overall health. Not only that, having poor posture can directly affect your health and come with consequences like headaches, lack of mental clarity, pains and aches, spine misalignment, and more.
Below are a few ways to optimize your posture on a daily basis.
- First, put your weight on the balls of your feet.
- Make sure your knees are bent a little.
- Maintain your feet at should-width apart.
- Your arms should hang down naturally from your sides.
- Make sure you stand straight up.
- Pull your shoulders backward.
- Tuck in your stomach.
While sitting, make sure to look straight, keep your lower back arched, and keep both feet on the ground. If you can, try to adjust your chair in a way that your knees rest slightly lower than your hips.
If you have any question about how you can improve your posture and how chiropractic care treatments can benefit you, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today.
Read MoreDid you know that basketball players stand to gain specific benefits from chiropractic care that can help them excel on the court?
Below Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over a few ways that chiropractic care benefits basketball players in particular.
The Hardwood is Hard on Your Back
Running back and forth, jumping for rebounds and landing hard on the hardwood floor, or, worse, someone else’s foot! You can sustain serious abuse, especially in the lower back area that chiropractic care can address the drug-free, all-natural way.
Your Joints Take Abuse, Too
Your joints also take the brunt end of the abuse from running and jumping. The perfect antidote for joint relief and drug-free pain relief is chiropractic care.
Increase Range of Motion
Chiropractic care has been shown to improve your range of motion, which will help you be more effective on the court, not to mention help you avoid future injury.
Avoid Another Injury
Chirorpactic care can actually help you avoid injury sustained on the court by improving your mind/body balance.
If you experience an injury on the court or in the game of life, contactd Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation. We have a long history of keeping our patients on the court and in the game.
Read MoreAt Barton Chiropractic we provide wellness services and drug-free treatments that help relieve pain, treat an injury, and even prevent injuries from happening to you down the road. Another part of what we do is educate our diverse patient base about what they can do outside our offices to live healthy, balanced lives.
Below are a few tips to spend the Memorial Weekend safe and optimize your health and wellness at the same time.
Remain Hydrated
Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you’re hitting the beach or staying outside. Drink about half your weight in ounces of water for good measure — it’s good for your body, joints, your spine, and your cognitive functionality.
Eat Healthily
Eat lots of healthy greens and fruits. Try to limit red meat, cabs, and processed sugars. You’ll end up feeling great as you close out the day and get ready to start the shortened work week.
Do Something Active
Go on a run or even go rock climbing. Ride a bike, paddleboard, or go on a hike. You can stay active over the holiday weekend and keep your body running at optimum capacity. If you’re having a light active day, you can even count that as a day of active recovery.
If you’d like to learn about how you can optimize your health and boost your wellness through our drug-free chiropractic treatments, contact Barton Chiropractic today.
Read MoreIce therapy is an excellent companion to chiropractic care for the athlete and for regular folks who work busy workweeks as well.
What is Ice Therapy?
Ice therapy entaisl the application of ice as a method of reducing inflammation and temporary pain in the body.
What Happens During Ice Therapy?
During ice therapy, ice inspires constriction in the veins of the affected tissues of the body, which ends up limiting blood flow — which acts as an all-natural, drug-free anesthetic. When we remove the ice, your blood will rush back to the area, which will provide useful nutrients which will help boost the healing process.
When is Ice Therapy Useful?
Ice therapy is incredibly useful for the treatment of back and neck pain and lessens muscle spasm severity, reduces overall pain without drug intervention, and also aids in diminishing soft tissue damage.
If performing ice therapy at home, you should apply an ice pack to the affected area within 24-48 hours from your initial ache or injury. You can reapply every 10 minutes to achieve maximum effect. Do not leave on for more than 20 minutes at a time.
Ice therapy should not be used by patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, Raynaud’s Syndrome, colds or allergic conditions, paralysis, or areas of impaired sensation should not use ice therapy.
Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to learn more if you’re a cadidate for ice therapy.
Read MoreYoga is an activity that is only gaining in popularity as more and more folks take classes or build their own yoga practices at home. Yoga is a great companion with chiropractic care when it comes to keeping the body flexible and at peak functionality, which will help you both treat injuries and avoid injuries.
Below are a few health benefits one can expect after building a strong yoga practice.
It’s Good for Your Heart and Circulation
Yoga increases your heart health and also boosts circulation in the body, which will help you function at optimum capacity. Yoga has also been shown to be beneficial in preventing heart disease and diabetes alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Boost Cognitive Function
Your brain and body might have a communication jam which can result in “dim bulb.” If you’re feeling anything less than 100% between the ears, yoga and chiropractic care can improve cognitive function by improving the brain/body communication system.
Increase Flexibility and Range of Motion
Increasing your flexibility and range of motion (two of the most noticeable benefits from yoga) will help you avoid injury and improve your athleticism.
As we mentioned previously, chiropractic care is a great addition to an active lifestyle. Yoga and chiropractic care are a one-two wellness punch you need in your life. Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation.
Read MoreMany folks only associate chiropractic care with the back, which, it’s true, that’s a lot of what we do at Barton Chiropractic Clinic since we specialize in chiropractic care, which has to do with the spine and all. However, chiropractic care has a host of benefits to offer patients they might not be aware of. Whether you’re in pain or suffering from lack of sleep, chiropractic care might be the all-natural, drug-free answer to your problems.
Read on for a few signs you could benefit from chiropractic care.
1.) Your Back is in Pain
Back pain, whether it’s in your lower, middle, or upper back, can be treated with chiropractic care. We can provide adjustments for spine misalignment that will give you benefits like increased circulation, reduction of pain, treatment of injury, and more.
2.) Your Range of Motion is Limited
Sometimes a car accident, a work injury, or even sleeping the wrong way can leave us limited in our mobility due to neck or back pain. Chiropractic care is the perfect antidote that will help increase your flexibility and your range of motion.
3.) You Suffer from Dim Bulb
If you feel like your brain isn’t firing on all cylinders, this could be because your nervous system is disrupted. Chiropractic care has been shown to clear the lines of communication between your body and your brain, increasing awareness and mental clarity.
4.) You Suffer from Anxiety
If you’re feeling anxiety or suffering from insomnia, chiropractic care has been shown to benefit symptoms associated with these conditions.
If you believe you could benefit from chiropractic care, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today.
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