July Productivity Hacks

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 5, 2019

If you’re looking to boost your productivity in the summer months, you’re not alone. Many folks out there look to stay on top of their game, despite that summer is synonymous with “vacation”. However, there’s a lot you can do on a daily basis to boost your productivity when it comes to your career, your personal life, and your overall health.

Read on for a few productivity hacks that will help you accomplish more in July.

Go to Sleep and Wake Up One Hour Earlier

Try to adjust your sleep schedule to where you get one more hour to maximize the start of your day. You can use this hour for a jog, for yoga, for meditation and reading, and much, much more.

Eat Well

Eating well is proven to help boost your immunity as well as give you fuel to charge through your day. Eat plenty of greens, some fruits, clean protein, and try to limit processed carbohydrates and sugars.


Drinking half your body weight in ounces of water will improve your functionality and make you feel good on a daily basis.

Visit Your Chiropractor in Homewood, IL

Visit Barton Chiropractic Clinic, where we provide chiropractic treatments that have been proven to help with bodily functions, neuro functionality, not to mention provide drug-free pain solutions for active lifestyles. Contact us today to schedule your consultation. 

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Chiropractic Treatment for Ankle Pain

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 1, 2019

Just because back injuries are the most common injuries we see at Barton Chiropractic Clinic doesn’t mean our cutting-edge chiropractic treatments can’t address other pain and injuries.

Our ankles are vulnerable to injury as well and can experience a tremendous amount of wear and tear over time, especially if we’re active. Runners and athletes are especially susceptible to ankle pain and ankle injury.

How Chiropractic Can Help

Your foot bones can become out of alignment due to something like an ankle sprain. Depending on the severity of your pain and injury, chiropractic treatments can help treat and even prevent ankle pain and injury.\

At Home Exercises for Your Injured Ankle

As you rehabilitate your ankle, try drawing all the letters of the alphabet with your big toe. As you build strength, try using a wobble board to incorporate stabilization exercise.

Experienced Chiropractor in Homewood, IL

If you have any additional questions about how chiropractic care can help your injured ankle, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation. We have a long, demonstrated track record of helping patients with a variety of injuries and pain-related issues. It is our primary concern to get you back to healthy, well, and active again!

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Foods that Reduce Inflammation

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 27, 2019

Inflammation is the body’s response to injury or foreign invasion from viral threats and bacteria. Inflammation has also been linked to all sort of serious health issues, like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and even dementia. Inflammation that occurs due to injury and sickness are somewhat unavoidable. But inflammation can also be caused by the stuff we might be eating every day, like refined sugars and processed carbohydrates — both of which are being shown to increase your chances of getting one of the diseases mentioned above and more.

Below are few foods to start incorporating into your diet in order to life a happier, healthier life.


Blueberries are packed with antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce inflammation in the body. 


Spinach and leafy greens are the cornerstones of any healthy diet. Spinach, in particular, is loaded with inflammation-fighting agents, not to mention healthy vitamins that will help balance out your diet.


Turmeric is only now being understood for its many health benefits, including its anti-inflammatory capabilities. You can put turmeric powder in your soup, smoothies, coffee, and more!

If you have any additional questions about how you can reduce your inflammation by the foods you eat, not to mention how chiropractic adjustments help treat inflammation as the result of injury, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation.

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3 Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 21, 2019

When it comes to workplace injuries, many can be attributed to lower back pain. The same is true in our daily activities, whether we’re planning to spend the weekend tidying our storage spaces, which includes lifting heavy objects, or even staying active over the weekend to make up for time that got eaten up by our busy schedules.

Even a strenuous day at the gym can take a toll on your lower back, resulting in lower back pain that can really keep you sidelined at work and at play.

Below are a few common contributors to lower back pain and what you can do to rectify your situation.

1.) Your Job

Whether you’re on your feet for long periods of time or sitting at a cramped computer desk staring at a screen, your job is likely putting wear and tear on your body and in great portions on your back, neck, and spine. Try to break the routine and work some stretching into your day. Practice perfect posture and watch your back and spine get stronger and more resilient.

2.) Your Workouts

Whether you’re a runner, a hiker, or a basketball player, what you do when you’re being active can certainly put stress on your back, neck, and spine. The repetitive motions involved in competition and drilling will place your back and joints in jeopardy, so make sure that your recovery plan is just as well thought-out as your workout plan.

3.) Your Weak Back

Building your back should be your first line of defense against lower back pain. Working your core into daily exercises and making it a point to strengthen your back while lifting with proper form is essential to relieve and avoid lower back pain.

If you have lower back pain and are unsure how to handle the situation give Barton Chiropractic Clinic a call today. We have a long track record of keeping our patients healthy and well.

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Chiropractic for Bedwetting

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 18, 2019

You should always put a lot of stock in what your family doctor or pediatrician says, but, when it comes down to it, there are some problems your doctor simply cannot explain, and bedwetting is often one of them. Bedwetting in children is most common in ages 4 and under, but children older than 4 can certainly experience bedwetting.

Bedwetting can come about because of developing bladder dysfunction, not to mention stress, anxiety, or big changes in a child’s life. 

Chiropractic care is actually a treatment that has been shown to be beneficial in helping children who are having trouble and wetting the bed.

Many times bedwetting comes down to a child’s nerves. Your nerves have the ability to affect every single cell in your body, influencing your body’s organs —  for instance, the bladder.

Chiropractors have the ability to reset and restore the normal motions and position of the spine, which helps your nerves function more properly. Chiropractic adjustments have been shown to help take stress away from your nerves, which will help your body’s internal organs function more properly.

Many children have shown improvement and even elimination of bedwetting symptoms completely after exploring chiropractic treatment.

If you have any questions about how chiropractic adjustments can help your child’s bedwetting problem before it becomes a real issue, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to learn more.

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3 Common Contributors to Knee Pain

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 14, 2019

At Barton Chiropractic Clinic we see patients who experience back pain and injuries, as well as pain and injuries that occur in other areas of the body, like the arms and legs. Below we go over some of the common daily contributors to knee pain in particular.

Your Active Lifestyle

If you’re a runner, you’re putting a tremendous amount of pressure on your joints — your knees and ankles in particular. Engaging in sports is also a sure-fire way to put extra wear and tear on your body. That’s why your rehabilitation and recovery plan should be just as intensive. Chiropractic care is a perfect antidote to the pressure you put on your body on a daily basis.

Your Lack of Active Recovery

On your off days, if you’re like most people, maybe you give yourself a pass to sit around and watch Netflix. Try to resist that urge and get outside, maybe go on a hike or engage in some outdoor yoga. Your joints will thank you for taking it easy, but you’ll still be doing something good for your body.

Improper Sitting and Lifting

Many times when we sit, stand, or lift heavy objects we put the wrong amount of pressure on our knees and do damage by putting them in distorted positions. It’s best to practice good posture and always practice good lifting technique for countermeasure.

Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation. We have a long track record of providing pain relief and rehabilitation results for patients experiencing a wide variety of pain and injuries.

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3 Ways to Save Your Back

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 10, 2019

At Barton Chiropractic we often stress the ways that your spine and back health is related to your overall health and wellness. Your spine is directly linked to your mind and your body, and when things go wrong and situations like subluxation occur, all sorts of health conditions can occur, like neck and back pain, insomnia, ear infection, reduced mobility, and more.

Below are a few ways you can improve the strength and functionality of your back.

Build Your Back Muscles

Start incorporating back exercises into your strength training routine and engage in activities that incorporate your core. It will help you build a great foundation for your back.

Stretch it Out

Yoga is a great way to ease your body’s muscle tension and improve your body’s flexibility and overall range of motion. Yoga will also help you reduce stress, increase mindfulness, and even help you avoid injury.

Visit the Chiropractor

Visiting the chiropractor is your best bet when it comes to taking care of your back, neck, and spine. Give us a call today to schedule your consultation. Barton Chiropractic Clinic has a long track record of keeping our patients healthy and well.

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Quick, Easy Tips to Correct Your Posture

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 7, 2019

Having good posture is one of the keys to achieving overall health. Not only that, having poor posture can directly affect your health and come with consequences like headaches, lack of mental clarity, pains and aches, spine misalignment, and more.

Below are a few ways to optimize your posture on a daily basis.

  • First, put your weight on the balls of your feet.
  • Make sure your knees are bent a little.
  • Maintain your feet at should-width apart.
  • Your arms should hang down naturally from your sides.
  • Make sure you stand straight up.
  • Pull your shoulders backward.
  • Tuck in your stomach.

While sitting, make sure to look straight, keep your lower back arched, and keep both feet on the ground. If you can, try to adjust your chair in a way that your knees rest slightly lower than your hips.

If you have any question about how you can improve your posture and how chiropractic care treatments can benefit you, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today.

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Why Basketball Players Are Perfect Candidates for Chiropractic Care

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 3, 2019

Did you know that basketball players stand to gain specific benefits from chiropractic care that can help them excel on the court?

Below Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over a few ways that chiropractic care benefits basketball players in particular.

The Hardwood is Hard on Your Back

Running back and forth, jumping for rebounds and landing hard on the hardwood floor, or, worse, someone else’s foot! You can sustain serious abuse, especially in the lower back area that chiropractic care can address the drug-free, all-natural way.

Your Joints Take Abuse, Too

Your joints also take the brunt end of the abuse from running and jumping. The perfect antidote for joint relief and drug-free pain relief is chiropractic care.

Increase Range of Motion

Chiropractic care has been shown to improve your range of motion, which will help you be more effective on the court, not to mention help you avoid future injury.

Avoid Another Injury

Chirorpactic care can actually help you avoid injury sustained on the court by improving your mind/body balance.

If you experience an injury on the court or in the game of life, contactd Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation. We have a long history of keeping our patients on the court and in the game.

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Tips for a Healthy Memorial Day

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | May 27, 2019

At Barton Chiropractic we provide wellness services and drug-free treatments that help relieve pain, treat an injury, and even prevent injuries from happening to you down the road. Another part of what we do is educate our diverse patient base about what they can do outside our offices to live healthy, balanced lives.

Below are a few tips to spend the Memorial Weekend safe and optimize your health and wellness at the same time.

Remain Hydrated

Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you’re hitting the beach or staying outside. Drink about half your weight in ounces of water for good measure — it’s good for your body, joints, your spine, and your cognitive functionality.

Eat Healthily

Eat lots of healthy greens and fruits. Try to limit red meat, cabs, and processed sugars. You’ll end up feeling great as you close out the day and get ready to start the shortened work week.

Do Something Active

Go on a run or even go rock climbing. Ride a bike, paddleboard, or go on a hike. You can stay active over the holiday weekend and keep your body running at optimum capacity. If you’re having a light active day, you can even count that as a day of active recovery.

If you’d like to learn about how you can optimize your health and boost your wellness through our drug-free chiropractic treatments, contact Barton Chiropractic today.

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