3 Reasons to Stay Hydrated this Summer and Beyond

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 28, 2018

As we continue through the dog days of summer, it’s important that we remind ourselves to stay hydrated. It’s easy to forget for long periods of time to drink water — and please don’t consider your morning coffee as your first glass of water. 

Instead, drink half your body weight in ounces — which is the requisite amount of water to consume in a day. You want your urine (sorry) to be mostly clear. If it’s intensely yellow or even brownish in color, you’re already dehydrated.

Below are a few reasons why it’s a good idea to stay hydrated — for your health!

1.) It’s Good for Your Joints

If there’s ever been such a thing as a magical elixir, it’s H2O. Making sure you’re properly hydrated ensure toxins get flushed out of your body. Water helps your joints stay well-lubricated — it even helps prevent bouts with gout! 

2.) Staying Hydrated Fight Inflammation

Because staying hydrated helps flush toxins out of your body, this reduces the body’s inflammation. Inflammation can lead to all sorts of health problems, 

including (but not limited to) certain types of cancers as well as rheumatoid arthritis.

3.) Dehydration is Hard on Your Heart

When you’re dehydrated, your blood volume gets lower, so that means your heart has to work harder in order to pump this reduced amount of blood to supply your cells with oxygen. Everyday activities become harder when you’re dehydrated — simple tasks like walking up stairs, not to mention exercise.

So stay hydrated out there as a part of your overall wellness plan. Another part of your overall wellness plan is regular visits to your chiropractic treatment specialist in Homewood, IL. Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic to schedule your consultation today.

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3 Reasons to Take Up Paddle-boarding

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 23, 2018

In the spirit of the summer season (which is still very much in full swing), we’d like to talk about one possible outdoor activity that is great for your back and core — both of which are instrumental in your spine health.

Today’s blog goes over a few reasons why paddle-boarding is worth your consideration. Read on and maybe we’ll make a believer out of you.

1.) It’s a total body workout

All of your main muscle groups become activated as you paddle and stabilize yourself on the board. Your mid back muscles (latissimus Dorsi), abs, arms (biceps and triceps), and shoulders (deltoids) are all incorporated, not to mention your thighs and calves. Paddle-boarding really is a workout that incorporates your entire body — all you’re doing is reaping physical rewards from engaging your core.

2.) It’s soothing

Usually, paddle-boarding will have you out on a scenic lake, taking in the visuals, breathing fresh air, and becoming one with mother nature. Stress is a key contributor to subluxation (spine misalignment), so it’s important to take some time out from the daily grind to do something good for yourself.

3.) It’s a well-balanced activity

Getting outdoors and in nature will help your mind and your spirit. The rigorous activity will help your body. It’s a great activity to strengthen your back and your core, which will help you enjoy lasting wellness and spine health.

If you’re feeling anything less than 100% when it comes to your back, neck, or even your legs, contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today. We’ll schedule your consultation and get you back to active!

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Avoid These Two Exercises if You Have Lower Back Pain

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 20, 2018

Barton Chiropractic Clinic is a big proponent of preventive medicine, which involves strength training and conditioning as a way to avoid pain and costly injuries down the road. Though we are happy and capable of providing comprehensive, drug-free chiropractic care to get our patients up and running again, we also like to provide education as a means of prevention.

Below are a few exercises to avoid, especially if you’ve been experiencing lower back pain — which might come as a result of sitting at work too much, carrying something or lifting something in an improper way, automobile accidents, and a number of other possibilities.

Toe Touch? No Thanks!

Toe touches are sort of an outdated exercise. It puts a lot of pressure on your back and often has you in a poor posture position. And what does this exercise or stretch benefit? Mostly just your hamstrings. However, a standing toe touch stretch can be beneficial in a yoga setting when you slightly bend the knees — as long as you’ve warmed up over the course of an intelligently designed routine. Otherwise, standing toe touches tend to put a greater amount of stress on your discs and ligaments. You can also end up overstretching your lower back muscles as well as those hamstrings you were trying to give some TLC. 

Say “No” to Sit-Ups

Talk about an outdated exercise. Sit-ups might still be an exercise you’ll have to do if you join the military, but if you’re trying to devise a rigorous strength training routine, you can leave this one out. Besides, most people tend to utilize their hip muscles when doing this exercise more than their abdominals. Sit-ups also put a great amount of pressure on the discs in your spine. Try partial crunches instead to achieve more optimium benefits!

Experience Chiropractor in Homewood, IL

We could go on, but we’ll save it for another blog. And if you experience any sort of back pain that persists in the face of exercise and stretching, then maybe it’s time to enlist the services of an experienced chiropratci care specialist in Homewood, IL. Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation.

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Your Spine Pt. 3 of 3 — The Lumbar Spine, Sacrum, and Coccyx

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 18, 2018

In our final installments of our blog series dedicated to the 5 sections of the spine we go over the rest of the spine, which includes your lumbar, sacrum, and the coccyx which refers to the lower back — the place where the spine curves inward. It starts about 5 or 6 inches below your shoulder blades, connecting with your thoracic spine at the top, then extending downward to the sacral spine.

The lumbar spine contains 5 or 6 vertebrae (L1 through L5 or L6), while the sacral spine (located in the pelvis) contains 5 fused vertebrae (S1 through S5). Lastly, you have your coccyx (tailbone), which contains 4 fused vertebrae located at the very end of the spinal column (Co1 through Co4). All of these structures are weight-bearing and are integral to your body’s functionality during key activities like walking, standing and sitting.

If you’re having trouble with your spine or your back — any section — Barton Chiropractic Clinic offers a variety of hollistic, drug-free treatments that will get you back to active in no time. We have a long track record of helping patients recover from injury and chronic back pain.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation. We’ll custom tailor a specialized treatment plan that works for you.

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Your Spine Pt. 2 of 3 — The Thoracic Spine

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 14, 2018

Your spine is made up of 5 sections, and today we are covering the Thoracic Spine, which is the second region of the spine. 

The thoracic spine curves inward (kyphotic), which helps your body distribute mechanical stress during movement, helping you move about safely. This part of your spine is located in the chest area, containing 12 vertebrae in total. Your ribs connect to the thoracic spine, which results in vital organ protection.

Thoracic Spine Functionality

Out of the 5 sections of your spine, the thoracic spine is capable of the least amount of movement. It’s still tremendously important for movement — for activities like dance especially.

Extension and flexion are possible but limited. The thoracic spine also handles both lateral movements and twisting movements. 

Taking Care of Your Thoracic Spine

You can increase your strength and work on flexibility by doing yoga. There are specific poses that have you lie on your stomach and press your upper body up from the floor. Press and hold for 60 seconds if you can. Try to repeat a few times for good measure!

Take Care of Your Spine with Barton Chiropractic Clinic!

The best way to take care of all 5 sections of your spine is to practice good posture, stay active, engage in targeted stretching regularly, and having a relationship with your neighborhood chiropractic care specialist. Barton Chiropractic Clinic has an amazing track record of getting people back to active. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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Try This Quick, Easy Achy Back Remedy

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 12, 2018

Got an achy-breaky back? Trust us, you’re not alone. At Barton Chiropractic Clinic we’re no strangers to helping patients get out of a pinch. Patients might be in need of a chiropractic adjustment, heat therapy, ice therapy, or a number of additional services we provide to help keep our patients active.

But we also believe in supplying our diverse client base with at home remedies they can utilize to get rid of unwanted back pain.

Read on for a few easy tips and tricks to get out of a jam when it comes to back pain.

Follow These Steps to Rid Yourself of Back Pain

First, hold your head up high, sitting with your legs slightly apart and knees slightly below hip-level. Turn your legs out just a touch and then rest your weight on your legs/feet while relaxing your abdomen. Then, tilt your pelvis forward while raising your breastbone up. Keep your palms up during the process and turn your arms slightly outward. Now hold the position while you take 10 seconds of deep belly breaths.

Sound a little confusing? That’s okay! Just Google Bruegger’s Posture, because that’s what it’s called?

What to Do About Persistent Back Pain

If you have back pain that persists in the face of doing the Bruegger’s Posture, then maybe it’s time to see an experienced chiropractor with a good track record of getting patients back to active. That’s Barton Chiropractic Clinic. Call today to schedule your consultation.

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Your Spine Pt. 1 of 3 — The Cervical Spine

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 7, 2018

In this 3-part series, Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over the 5 areas of your spine. Today we start with your Cervical Spine, which consists of the first seven vertebrae at the very top of the spine. In short, it’s the neck area.

The Job of the Cervical Spine

Your cervical spine has the vital job of supporting your head. Your cervical spine also enables flexibility and movement while facilitating blood flow to your brain. Your cervical spine houses and protects the top section of your spinal chord.

Cervical Spine Misalignment

Physical traumas and more minor stressors can have an impact on your cervical spine. Having bad posture is another way to get your cervical spine misaligned. Subluxations occur when vertebrae get knocked out of alignment, putting pressure on spinal nerves, which disrupts communication between the brain and the rest of the body.

The Many C’s

Your C1-C7 communicates with optic nerves, auditory nerves, sinuses, pituitary gland, scalp, face bones, cheeks, outer ear, vocal chords, neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils, thyroid gland, elbows, and so much more! So, as you can imagine, a subluxation in your cervical spine can cause some serious troubles.

So, what to do when you have troubles in your cervical spine? Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today. Schedule your initial consultation and we’ll get you back to active in no time.

Stay tuned for our next entry, which covers your thoracic spine!

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3 Fourth of July Activities to Strengthen Your Back

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | July 4, 2018

At Barton Chiropractic Clinic we often talk about the particulars of your back and your spine. We talk about ways to protect your spine and measures you can take to avoid injury, but a big part of taking care of your back involves strengthening it. Think of it as a more offensive measure to ensure your back is strong and healthy, which will drive you to new levels of wellness and productivity.

As you head out for the July 4th holiday, it’s a great opportunity to think outside the box and try to do something healthy for your body, instead of engaging in what a large percentage of folks will be doing — boozing it up. 

Read on for a few suggestions when it comes to activities that will engage your core or your back and spine — or all three!


We’re a big fan of this one because it engages your core — and you don’t have to worry about the monotony of the gym. Depending on where you go, you might be looking at a pristine body of water in the mountains — a totally therapeutic, core-engaging experience.

Rock Climbing

Of course, it’s important to always maintain safety. Outdoor rock climbing areas exist and you can work on the buddy system to make sure you’re safely harnessed and supported. There are also indoor facilities that optimize safety and can give you one-on-one training.

Outdoor Yoga

Yoga is great for your back — just make sure that you have a strong foundation. It’s important that you get instruction from a certified yogi first. Once you feel comfortable with the basics, you can build your own practice. If you know what you’re doing, strike out this 4th of July for some valuable YOU time. Stretch it out in the outdoors.

Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic if your 4th is less than stellar. It’s not a rare thing for us to see patients who get whiplash from jet-skiing, wakeboarding, and a multitude of additional 4th of July festivities. We’re committed to getting and keeping our diverse patient base active and well for life!

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3 Keys to a Happy, Healthy Spine

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 30, 2018

You only get one spine, and that can be a sad fact of reality to some. But others who choose to be conscious of their bodies and take charge of their wellness can start taking an interest in their spine health at any stage in life.

Read on to learn a few ways that you can keep your spine healthy, because your spine is at the center of everything, in charge of support of your body as well as protection of your internal organs and central nervous system.

As promised, here are a few ways you can increase your spine health on a daily basis.

Let Your Spine Rest

When you sleep, make sure that all of your spine structures are in a comfortable (and supported) resting position. Choice of pillows and mattress is entirely up to your preference, but your body will tell you quickly what it likes and does not like. You want the right blend of comfort and support.

Engage That Core of Yours

It’s important to work and engage your core muscles as they are rarely used in everyday activities. Try targeted exercises, many of which you can do at home, in the office, or outside during a lunch break. People might look at you weird, but who cares? This is your wellness we’re talking here. Your core is your midsection; it involves all muscles in that area (including the traverse abdominis (TVA), the obliques, lower lats, and your erector spinae. Your core acts as a stabilizer for your entire body.

Wear Good Shoes

Many of us are guilty of going cheap when it comes to work shoes. However, the fact that many of us work 40-60 hour work weeks, this can be a bad idea. Make sure to spring for shoes that provide good lower back support. Having a good base keeps your spine in line. Consider orthotics or inserts if you need more balance and support.

Another great way to take care of your spine is to visit your experienced chiropractor near you. Barton Chiropractic Clinic provides chiropractic care treatments year-round, for patients of all fitness levels and from all walks of life.

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Chiropractic Care for Kids

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | June 28, 2018

It’s a common misconception that only those who are more advanced in age seek chiropractic care. On the contrary, taking care of one’s spine and nervous system is a lifelong pursuit that should be considered as early as possible.

Childhood Chiro

Chiropractic care can prove especially beneficial during a person’s developmental years.

Let’s for a moment think of our central nervous systems (consisting of brain and spinal cord) like a big fuse box. Subluxations (blown fuses in the fuse box) can cause reactions like bed wetting, constipation, colic, ear infections, torticollis, sleeping problems, acid reflux, and more. Subluxations can happen due to trauma, stress, injury, even chemical stress from certain types of medication. Subluxations need to be corrected with safe and effective chiropractic adjustments just like they would with an older person.

Build Happy Little Trees

Think about a young person as a little tree growing. You love that tree, that’s why you want it to grow nice and straight — that way the tree is as strong and as sturdy as it can be. Helping that tree grow correctly from its early stages of growth seems like the right thing to do, right?

Chiropractors offer drug-free treatments, pain relief that lasts for the long haul. We’re all about keeping our patients active and healthy at Barton Chiropractic Clinic, no matter the age.

Contact a Chiropractic Care Specialist in Homewood, IL

Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to schedule your consultation or your child’s consultation. We’ll get you back to active in no time, no matter your age. We provide our services to a widely diverse patient base from our community.

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