
Arthrogenic Inhibition: A Chiropractic Approach to Healing

By adminjosh | January 30, 2021

Arthrogenic muscle inhibition is common after a joint injury

As you move through the rehabilitation process after a joint injury, it is common to notice dysfunction in the muscles which surround the joint capsule. While there is no actual damage to these muscles, they are often unable to contract fully. This is a purposeful reaction by the body, which aims to prevent further damage to the joint by limiting the degree of movement and muscular contraction that can occur surrounding the injury. However, it is problematic because it further limits range of motion, which is a crucial factor in successful rehabilitation of any joint injury. 

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A Few Steps Towards Health

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | January 22, 2021

Mobility is important for a healthy life

The health benefits of walking are well known in medicine, but not by everyone else:

  • Boosts blood circulation
  • Releases pain-killing endorphins
  • Strengthens bones
  • Strengthens muscles
  • Maintains or improves range of motion
  • Manages weight

The basic health benefits of a good walk are too many to ignore. On days when you can’t spare a second to make it to the gym, a brisk walk may be the only physical boost your body receives. Yet, far too few of us are getting the daily steps we need to reap such benefits. Here is our guide to getting more steps throughout the day. 

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Cardio Without Running to Account for Back Pain

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | January 15, 2021

The value of cardio from a chiropractic perspective

The main value of cardio from a chiropractor’s perspective is weight control. Every pound of body weight is adding an additional burden to your spine, which is already battling myriad other factors in its quest to maintain its health and longevity. By maintaining a healthy weight, your vertebrae are able to support the weight of your upper body and allow you to move without incurring pain. 

A further value of cardio for back pain sufferers is that it promotes blood flow, allowing nutrients and oxygen to circulate to every cell in your body, optimizing function and further reducing pain. The last way that cardio aids back pain sufferers is by releasing endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers. Just 30 minutes of vigorous exercise can release a flood of feel-good chemicals into your blood stream. But not all cardio is good for back pain- for example, running can cause repetitive trauma to spinal joints, actually making the problem worse. 

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chiro heart health

Chiropractic Treatments Improve Heart Health

By adminjosh | January 9, 2021

Your heart health is improved by Chiropractic, by as much as taking two blood-pressure drugs at once.

That is the amazing bit of information is coming to us by the prestigious scientific community as reported by Science Daily. You can read the full article here,

 Lowering blood pressure is an important aspect to improving the heart heath in millions of Americans. A quick google will verify that more than half a million Americans will die from heart related illness this year. That is the leading cause of death and beat out cancer, car accidents, and COVID. Your health is our mane concern, and it should be yours too. Luckily the solutions to health living is not a mystery.

In the Study

Those with high blood pressure and misaligned C-1 were enrolled in the study. Data from the assessment were used by the chiropractor to plan the alignment. Half of the patients received a carefully tailor-made adjustment based on their results. Half received a “sham intervention,” which was designed to be indistinguishable to the patient from an authentic alignment, possible only because of the delicacy of the procedure.

The Effects

The authors say the improvement in blood pressure (both systolic and diastolic readings) following the correction of Atlas misalignment is similar to that seen by giving patients two different blood pressure-lowering drugs simultaneously. The reduction in blood pressure continued into the eighth week. There was no significant change in participants’ heart rate.

The body is a complicated series of process that can not be explained by any one simple catch all treatment, but the same rules of physics apply to all of us. Chiropractic combined with health foods, proper exercise, and evaluations by medical professionals all combine to provide the best path to health. Come by our office and start your health journey today.

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hand in mine

Spotlight on Hand Health: Simple Tips for Profound Pain Relief

By adminjosh | December 31, 2020

Office work does no favors for your fingers

If you spend all day typing and clicking, it is worth considering what is happening to your hands. Every tap represents a micro-trauma that threatens the integrity of the joints in your hand. No wonder so many office workers experience carpal tunnel syndrome, which is caused by the compression of a major nerve in the wrist. Office workers are also at risk for early-onset arthritis. Even ergonomics and proper posture can’t prevent all the damage that is accruing in the small joints and tissues of your fingers and hands. Instead, you have to be proactive about your hand health. Here’s how. 

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Our All-Star Stretch of the Week: Downward-facing Dog

By adminjosh | December 25, 2020

A stretch that puts a smile on your face…

…and make this chiropractor very happy as well. We use yoga as part of an integrated back care routine- we love movements that combine stretching and strengthening in the same simple pose. Downward-facing dog is one of the most famous yoga poses, and for good reason. It is a gentle and scalable movement- meaning that the more you do it, the more comfortable and effective you become while doing the stretch, and the more your body benefits.

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Reducing Systemic Inflammation with Chiropractic

By adminjosh | December 19, 2020

The best things you can do for inflammation

Inflammation seems to be one of the 21st century’s worst enemies. Since the health community started paying attention to it, it has become implicated in an entire spectrum of conditions. If you are interested in maintaining your highest standard of living, it is important to keep inflammation to a minimum. There are no surprises here, but these factors always bear repeating: 

  1. Diet: if you do nothing else for your inflammation, diet is the one thing you should focus on. So many common ingredients in the American diet are implicated in inflammation. We simply need to change the kinds of fats we eat and incorporate more fruits and vegetables. No argument here.
  2. Exercise: maintaining a healthy weight is essential for keeping down the inflammation. People who exercise regularly are less likely to suffer from chronic inflammation. It also lubricates your joints and keeps your muscles conditioned. 
  3. Hydration: simply drinking your daily ration of water helps in so many ways. Water is essential for every biological function and it keeps your organs, muscles, bones and joints operating at maximum capacity. 
  4. Rest: your immune system needs to hit the reset and recharge button. 
  5. Stop smoking: smoking has been found to increase the amount of inflammatory markers in the blood. 

Chiropractic adjustments have also been shown to reduce inflammatory markers in the blood. As part of a holistic health lifestyle, chiropractic and certain lifestyle adjustments can make all the difference in your fight against inflammation. If you need help turning the tide against inflammation, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today. 

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Staying Active During Your Pregnancy

By adminjosh | December 4, 2020

Staying active during pregnancy can make the difference between slight discomfort and outright pain.

Very few women escape from a pregnancy without a twinge of pain, but the degree to which it defines your time with child varies greatly! Along with chiropractic, exercise offers one of the best ways to ease the standard discomforts of pregnancy, maintain great circulation throughout your body and to your fetus, and combat mental anxiety. The problem is, there will be days when you feel like doing nothing less than exercising! Here is some encouragement and advice on how to stay active during pregnancy. 

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Post-Exercise Pain: When Do You Cross the Line

By adminjosh | November 25, 2020

Delayed onset muscle soreness

Known in the shorthand as DOMS, the period of post-exercise pain and fatigue has varying degrees and it is important to stay tuned in to how exhausted and painful your body feels post-exercise. Low-grade DOMS is nothing to be concerned about- given enough rest and attention to diet and recovery, your body will repair and be ready to go again quickly. However, if the pain and stiffness persist, it is likely that there is some muscle damage present. Read on to find out how to discern whether your DOMS is normal or if there is something to be concerned about. 

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Healthy Thanksgiving Cuisine 101

By Barton Chiropractic Clinic | November 10, 2020

Many of our clients are asking us about healthy options to provide at their table for Thanksgiving. If you plan on making your Thanksgiving socially distant, you still have to have an array of foods for those who are within your home bubble for an important meal with family.

Below, Barton Chiropractic Clinic goes over a few healthy Thanksgiving options that will both satiate and energize you.

Salad, Salad, Salad

Include more than one salad option, and make sure you get more creative than iceberg lettuce, which has remarkably little nutritional value. Instead, choose nutrient-dense spinach and kale for your salad base. Throw in carrots, beets, cucumbers, celery, sprouts, avocado, and/or nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews, just to name a few) to make your salad next-level.

Clean Protein

If you’re eating turkey, try to opt for organic. Try to also include a plant-based protein source (bean patties, for instance) for those in your clan who do not eat meat.

Veggies Galore

Include creative vegetable options, like sweet potatoes, broccoli dishes, veggie casseroles, stews, and more. You want to make sure that your offerings are predominantly vegetable if you are going to truly have a healthy spread for Thanksgiving.

Contact Barton Chiropractic Clinic today to learn more about how our treatments go along with a healthy diet to keep you in the game long-term.

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