Range of Motion Where it Matters: Protecting your Neck

What is the normal range of motion in the neck?

There are four primary movements: 

  • Flexion: head to chest
  • Extension: looking up toward the sky
  • Lateral Bending: ear to shoulder
  • Rotation: turning your head so that your chin is over the shoulder (or thereabouts)

What limits the range of motion in the neck? 

Injuries to soft tissue in the neck, degeneration or injury to cervical vertebrae and spinal joints all make it difficult to move your neck without experiencing pain. Once you stop moving your neck, the muscles normally activated for movement cease to be used and start to atrophy, and range of motion is limited further. Injuries can be the direct result of trauma, from a car accident for example, or from a slow wearing down over time, for example from chronic poor posture. 

What can we do about maintaining the range of motion in the neck? 

At our office, we help you preserve a range of motion in the neck. A primary malefactor is poor posture- in particular forward head posture which sees the head positioned forward of its balanced point atop the spine. By resetting your posture, restoring spinal alignment through the cervical vertebrae, and adding strength and tone to the muscles of the neck and upper back, we achieve positive effects in your neck’s range of motion. If you are interested in leaving neck pain behind, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today. 

Make 2022 the Year of Preventative Health



Preventative Healthcare

We believe that spinal health is the foundation for overall wellness. Many of our patients have been living for years without the proper amount of awareness and knowledge necessary to make improvements in their spinal health. This has left them in the throes of back pain and spinal degeneration which then affects all other parts of their life. We respond by providing every new partient with a comprehensive physical examination that includes the patient’s medical history, a musculoskeletal evaluation and static postural analysis. This allows us to identify shortcomings in musculoskeletal health including spinal misalignment, nerve dysfunction and postural weakness. From here we tailor an individual plan that will help you reduce pain, improve function and prevent future illness and injury. 

Making your health a priority this new year

Don’t wait for your health problems to catch up to you! It’s time to stop ignoring the factors in your life which are holding you down. Let’s work together to design a solution that will help you feel like your best You this new year.

Merry Christmas from a Concerned Chiropractor



Pain is no one’s idea of a good time

We are in the business of helping you face down your back pain. The first step of any solution is to identify your particular risk factors. Are you prone to overeating? Do you overindulge in the punch, then find yourself sprawled on the couch? Do you feel extra sluggish during the holiday period? All of these things are hard on your spine. Weight gain causes extra pressure on the spine; alcohol contributes to inflammation; and inactivity allows for tension to accumulate in your muscles, pulling your spine out of alignment. If you struggle with chronic back pain, you need to be proactive about the health of your spine this holiday season. 

Doing something about back pain this holiday season

You have the power! Watch what you eat and drink, and take every opportunity to get up and move. Give our office a call to schedule an appointment before, during, or after the holiday season. Let’s make this the last holiday where your back pain has a prominent seat at the table with the rest of your family. 

Spinal Traction: Is it Right for You?

Spinal Traction

Spinal Traction

Spinal traction: decompression designed for you!

Gravity is an ever-present force on our spines. And while the best thing for us all to do would be to float in space, the next best thing is spinal traction. In essence, mechanical traction utilizes a specialized table to reverse the compression of your spinal discs. This creates a negative vacuum of space in which discs are able to heal and the spine is able to align itself. People with the following conditions should consider spinal traction as a way to provide relief from their symptoms: 

  • Bone spurs
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Herniated discs
  • Slipped discs
  • Pinched nerves 

Spinal traction is a natural therapy for your spine

This is a non-surgical form of pain relief that comes with very few side effects comparatively. If compressive forces have taken their toll on your spine, we urge you to give our office a call and find out how spinal traction and its decompressive therapy can help you feel less pain today. 

Holiday Health 101: Tips for Navigating those Laden Dinner Tables

Tips for Navigating those Laden Dinner Tables

Tips for Navigating those Laden Dinner Tables

We believe in being realistic with our eating goals during the holidays.

That’s why we came up with these tips for avoiding over-eating, but also not feeling too guilty if you do:

  • Don’t guilt-trip yourself: chances are you are going to eat too much and not work out enough. Give yourself a break, but don’t overdo it past an acceptable extreme.
  • Don’t be guilt-tripped: just because the recipe is family heirloom doesn’t mean you have to try that pie. But do try it and don’t feel guilt. Roll that wonderful morsel around your taste buds and enjoy, Remember each moment that the sensation of joy rushes through your mind because that is what it is to be alive!
  • Monitor your appetizer intake: yes bite-sized appetizers are finger-lickin’ good. But they also burden your calorie counter before the main meal even takes place.
  • Tummy tuck constantly: bring your belly button in toward your spine and hold it. This is core-strengthening 101 and it’s dead easy to perform while you’re at the dinner table. 
  • Avoid drinking too much: it’s not only your dignity that is at stake. Alcoholic drinks, especially those holiday-inspired ones, are laden with calories that contribute to the famous holiday-bloating effect. 

Check-in at your chiropractor after the holiday season to ensure you are still on track with your fitness goals

At our office, we help make sure that your holiday habits haven’t taken a drastic toll on your overall health. If you want to keep your body balanced and on track for achieving all your fitness goals, give our office a call to schedule an appointment for after the holiday rush. Good luck and happy holidays!