Posts by Barton Chiropractic Clinic
Are your Hips Contributing to Lower Back Pain?
The Challenges of Sleeping at College
New college students face unique sleep challenges
Many new college students are going to be adjusting to an elevated schedule of demands on both body and mind when it comes to managing a schedule that balances social commitments and academic responsibilities. When it comes to sleeping, these demands can cause difficulty; the top challenges identified by college students when it comes to sleeping include:
- Getting used to a new environment- noise at night, an unfamiliar (and often uncomfortable) bed.
- Stress: managing work, school and play creates a feedback loop of psychological and physiological stress
- Health problems: exposure to new bugs, seasonal sickness, and even the side effects of medicine
…and we can add to the list: the body and brain’s chemical adjustment as they get used to increased substance intake.
Chiropractic can help you find a more restful night’s sleep at college
Utilizing both chiropractic and massage modalities, we can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol and enhance the feel-good capabilities of your brain. This helps to stimulate feelings of calm and relaxation that allow you to find both quality and quantity of sleep. If you are interested in sleeping better through your college experience, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
The Therapeutic Effect of Floating
The rehabilitative effects of swimming
Exercising in the pool has numerous benefits that exercising on land just can’t match:
- Reduced compression of the spinal joints
- Natural resistance of the water means that every movement is strengthening
- Warm water provides therapy to joints
One major limitation for people looking to overcome back pain is that the pain itself limits motion. Your back pain is holding you back from performing the exact motions which help you prevent the pain in the first place. Enter the water and this vicious cycle begins to unwind. You can focus on strengthening and stretching the muscles and joints that matter for keeping pain at bay at whatever level of intensity you choose.
How we help you get in the water
Our primary goal at our office is to get you in conducive shape for whatever kind of exercise you like most. After all, moving is what matters! If you want to get into the pool, we can help you overcome back pain through spinal adjustment that aligns the spine and improves your overall range of motion. Furthermore, chiropractic adjustment has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve circulation, boosting the body’s healing response. That means you can get in the water and reap the therapeutic benefits of buoyancy without the fear of hurting yourself further. If you are interested in overcoming back pain in a natural manner, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
How We Help Athletes Stay Ahead of Injuries
Adding an extra layer of support to your joints
While high-impact sports help your body build stronger joints and stronger tissue to surround them, it is important to give them an extra layer of protection and support; that extra layer comes from chiropractic. Through chiropractic adjustment and other hands-on modalities, we help high-impact athletes maintain the strength and mobility of the joints and muscles that are used most.
When it comes to injured joints, chiropractors apply a manual force to restore joint mobility and increase circulation to damaged tissues which may be contributing to the loss of motion. Chiropractic treatment reduces inflammation and pain and facilitates the healing process.
Keep moving your best with chiropractic care
Athletes will benefit from the chiropractic care provided at our office because we are experts in musculoskeletal form. We keep your nervous system free of interference and ensure the proper alignment of your spine to keep your body ahead of potential injuries. If you are interested in adding an extra layer of protection and optimization to your athletic repertoire, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
Leave Back Pain out of your Sleep Life
Finding a way to sleep with chronic back pain
Chiropractic is an art of problem solving. Where more traditional treatment methods fail, chiropractic looks deeper, asks questions, and demands answers of your musculoskeletal form: what exactly is causing your chronic pain? We believe that the most powerful way to change your relationship with sleep and chronic pain is to manage it naturally. And while it may take more work than using opioids to manage pain, or sleep-inducing drugs to find sleep despite the pain, we believe that between chiropractic treatment and lifestyle adjustments you can find serious pain relief and the sleep you need. The upside is greater and the list of side-effects is much smaller.
Chiropractic to help you sleep with chronic pain
Our modalities, whether it be spinal adjustment, decompression therapy, massage or trigger point release, help our patients experience a dramatic reduction in pain and an improvement in range of motion. Many of our patients report that they have had their best nights’ sleep in memory, purely on the strength of one visit. Imagine how you can feel with consistent chiropractic treatment, combined with lifestyle adjustments including managing your diet and sleep environment? The potential is great; if you are interested in sleeping better today, give our office a call to schedule an appointment.
Chiropractic for Joint Pain Conditions
What Behavior is Causing your Muscle Tension?
We can reduce muscle tension
Muscle tension is widespread; it is one of the most common causes of muscle ache and pain. We use chiropractic techniques to restore proper alignment to the spine and regulate the nervous system. This in itself is a big boost, but our treatment goes further by helping you identify behaviors that are contributing to your muscle tension; we help you find ways to stay relaxed, both in body and mind, throughout the day. If you are interested in a life with less muscle tension, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
Spinal Stability: Why is it so Important?
The multifidus: small but mighty when it comes to core stability
The multifidus is a series of muscles that attach directly to the spinal column- there is a superficial group and a deep muscle group which perform several key functions; the key roles of the multifidus muscles include taking pressure off the intervertebral discs, keeping the spine straight and supported. Before any motion is initiated, the multifidus activates in order to protect the spine from injury. People with back pain often present with smaller and thus weaker multifidus muscles, which means their ability to protect the spine is reduced. The key takeaway here is that a weak multifidus contributes to a lack of core stability and leaves people more vulnerable to back injury.
Establishing core stability
There are stretches and strengthening exercises that can specifically target the multifidus to restore strength to this small but powerful muscle. Before starting any routine that involves core and thus spinal stability, it is worth consulting with a health professional. We offer expertise on the subject of core stability and chiropractic adjustment which ensures your spine is properly aligned in order to reap all the benefits of your exercise. Give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
Focus on Footwear to Improve Spinal Health
Flip flops and high heels have the highest coincidence of back pain among footwear
Your footwear has a direct impact on your back pain: flip flops provide no cushion or shock absorption, allowing impact from the foot to travel directly to the vertebrae; high heels force the muscles of your back to work harder and are more likely to cause injury from falling. These forces contribute to spinal misalignment and the development of degenerative conditions including herniated discs and sciatica. Here are some alternative proposals for footwear that fills the same function without harming the spine to the same degree.
- For flip-flop addicts, Crocs and sport sandals with straps are a better alternative.
- For high heel lovers, wedges provide the same stylish lift without destabilizing the foot and forcing the back to work quite as hard.
Improving spinal health habits in small ways
No matter what footwear you choose, there are always ways you can improve your spinal health habits. From mixing up your shoes, to stretching before wearing high heels, to avoiding wearing them for long periods of time, it will always benefit your back if you keep an eye on how you are wearing your shoes. Footwear is a microcosmic example of how we make large changes in your spinal health habits. We can help undo the damage that flip-flops and high heels have caused your spine. If you are interested in improving your spinal health from the bottom-up or the top-down, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.