The Pain of Sitting All Day
The damage of sitting all-day
Excessive sitting affects every part of the body:
- Damages organs and interferes with digestion
- Increases compression on the spine
- Encourages poor posture habits
- Contributes to obesity and diabetes
- Weakens muscles, and destabilizes the muscular balance
- Causes poor blood circulation
This is just the start. Excessive sitting can be traced as a cause of many of the USA’s most prevalent health problems. So, if your job requires you to sit, and you have a penchant for binge-watching TV after work, make sure that you take steps to undo this damage on a daily basis.
Undoing the damage of sitting all-day
Besides an hour of vigorous workout that gets your heart rate up and works your muscles, you should focus on choosing specific movements that target the parts of your body which suffer the most during sitting. Yoga is an effective modality for doing just that! Here are some of the most effective yoga poses for habitual sitters:
- Downward facing dog
- Spinal twist
- Pigeon pose
- Cat and cow pose
- Child’s pose
Detailed instructions for these poses can be found here: If you are interested in redressing all the damage done by sitting, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
The Pollen Apocalypse
Back Pain and Your Job: Construction Work Edition
Why does Decompression Feel so Good?
Instead of fleeing the problem, let’s face it head-on!
Symptoms of compression injuries range from mild to severe. The most common compression related conditions that we treat include:
- Back pain
- Nerve pressure
- Herniated disc
- Degenerative disc disease
- Rehabilitation of fractured vertebrae
- Sciatica
- Government Pressure (jk)
The fact that pressure is constantly accumulating indicates why decompression therapy is so effective; and why it feels so good. At our office, we have a range of modalities for treating compression injuries.
- Spinal adjustment relieves pain by restoring mobility to spinal motion segments and relieving pressure from the nearby nerves.
- Mechanical traction utilizes a specialized table to stretch the spine while we provide gentle, targeted adjustment to the spinal joints. This has the effect of opening up the space between the vertebrae, allowing for rehydration of the intravertebral discs and creating a negative pressure space in which bulging disc material can retract.
- Manual traction applies a distraction force to the spine in order to alleviate pain and compression
Relieving pressure has never felt so good
The goal of decompression therapy is to help you experience less pain, allowing you to move more and thus strengthen the muscles that matter for supporting the spine. If you are interested in using decompression therapy for your back pain, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
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Lumbar Pressure as Determined by Posture
Relieving lumbar pressure with decompression therapy
There are many ways we can work to prevent the damage that will result from pressure accumulation. Strengthening the core stabilizing muscles and improving our posture are tied for the most important thing we can do to help our lumbar vertebrae- stronger muscles support the burden while better posture reduces the pressure. If your spine is suffering from the effects of too much pressure, i.e. herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, nonspecific back pain and nerve compression, decompression therapy can help.
Decompression therapy uses manual and instrument-assisted modalities to stretch the spine and provide healing therapy by doing the following things:
- Opening space between the vertebrae
- Providing for rehydration of intervertebral discs
- Allowing for retraction of bulging disc material
- Elongate the spine and provide for spinal realignment
Decompression therapy feels great and provides pain relief and lasting correction of spinal misalignment. If you are interested in using decompression therapy to reverse the accumulative effects of pressure on your spine, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
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Chiropractic as Preventative Healthcare
A well-aligned body is more resilient to injuries
A tried and true analogy uses the maintenance of a car as an example: regular oil checks and maintenance ensure that your car keeps running longer and doesn’t let you down when you need it most. The human body is a machine that requires regular maintenance in a similar way; circulation and range of motion are important for ensuring that every cell in your body receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs to prosper. Furthermore, your muscles and tendons both crave use to enhance their elasticity. You can even see your pets stretching all day long as they lounge around between naps. It can be a bad sign if you aren’t moving more than your cat!
Chiropractic is preventative healthcare
Spinal adjustments and hands-on attention to the muscles allow your body to work its best. By correcting spinal misalignment, we facilitate smoother functioning of the nervous system which allows your body to protect itself from injury and to heal itself more effectively. If you are interested in finding out more about how chiropractic keeps your body working its best, give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.
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Taking the Exercise Initiative
We can make starting an exercise plan less painful
So when was the last time you hit that 150 minutes per-week goal for exercise? Does the thought of getting up and starting give you the slightest pang of anxiety? If the thought of getting in shape seems like an insurmountable task, we want to help you get motivated and start moving. We start with what is at stake: the health of your body in the here and now, and its longevity for the future. As the foundation for your upper body, this is the only spine you get. Keeping it in a state of balance, with a strong set of surrounding muscles, is the best possible thing you can do to preserve it for the future.
How we help you start exercising
We begin by evaluating your musculoskeletal health and providing adjustments to restore spinal alignment and balance. The spinal adjustment has been shown to exhibit a domino effect on our musculoskeletal health including:
- Relieving painful nerve impingement
- Improving range of motion
- Improving circulation
This sets you off on the right foot to start exercising. From here, we can show you simple but effective body-weight exercises for improving the core stabilizers, a set of muscles that provide support for the lower spine. These muscles are the best ally your spine has in its fight against pain and degeneration. One last area of focus is balancing muscles that become over and underworked due to poor biomechanics and posture. We help you affect a wholesale improvement of your biomechanical awareness and postural habits.
Getting in shape to exercise starts with chiropractic
At our Chiropractic office, we are not short on incentives when it comes to exercise. We want to help you get motivated- give our office a call to schedule an appointment today.